About Manon PERROT

This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Manon PERROT contributed a whooping 2 entries.

Entries by

Succeed your Digital Training

The health crisis has accentuated the need to make different types of training accessible remotely but, today, many industrial companies have technical training that is not compatible with remote broadcasting. Whatever the industry, our customers share the same challenges with us, whether it is training their employees, their customers or their partners. Facing the need […]

ATEXIS Launches New Corporate Design

   As you may have noticed, we have launched our New Corporate Design! The goal of the corporate design update is to evoke simplicity. We are focused and this focus can be seen in our re-styled logo. The update, rather than an entirely new logo, facilitates strong communication and recognition of the ATEXIS brand. […]